Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Milton J. Snookers

Contrary to popular opinion, the tooth fairy is not the typical fairy envisioned by most (normal) people. No, the tooth fairy that services the George household, and yours though you don't know it, is Milton J. Snookers. According to the tale passed down to me by my father (who is quite trustworthy, of course), Milton J. is a frustrated dentist who got tired of doing daily dental work and having people unhappy around him all the time. He decided to ditch his day job and spread joy and cheer around the world by becoming the tooth fairy, exchanging small amounts of money for children's lost teeth.

Milton J. Snookers has made many visits to the George household in the last couple of weeks. First, Calvin had to go to the dentist to have his baby tooth pulled. (See what I mean about people being unhappy about going to see the dentist? Also, see my notes on getting a crown). Rose wiggled and cajoled and finally flat-out pulled her own loose tooth. And Sabrina lost one, but had to have it cut loose from her braces seeing as it was still attached to the wires.

Sabrina is like the princess and the pea and refuses to put her tooth under her pillow. It's terribly uncomfortable to have that tooth poking into your head while you sleep, you know. However, she was concerned the tooth fairy wouldn't find her tooth since it would not be in the usual place. Hence, she made a sign.

Nothing gets past good ol' Milton J, though, and he found the tooth readily enough and responded in kind.

After a brief moment of hysteria when Sabrina discovered her tooth was gone, but apparently no money was left in its place, she thought to look up. Then, she smiled and looked at me and said, "He's funny."

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