Monday, April 9, 2012

Trouble in High Heels

David:  Sabrina, you'll need to change out of your dress and put on pants so we can go soccer shopping.

Sabrina:  I'm fine.

D:  No, really, please change.

S:  I don't want to. I like my dress.

D:  I'm just thinking it would be easier for you.

S:  Dad, stop.

D:  So you're really going to run with a dress on?

S:  I'm not going to change.

D:  Or how about trying on shoes and pulling the socks up above your knees? I'm thinking that might be a little embarrassing.

S:  Dad, please. I did martial arts in P.E. today in this dress. I think I can handle some shoe shopping.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Glow is Gone

Sabrina: Hey, Mom, while I was visiting grandma's house, I saw a picture of you. You were so pretty!

Me: Um . . .

David: Were?

Sabrina: Well, I mean, you're okay now, too, but back then you had this . . . glow.

Me: I don't glow now?

Sabrina: Not really. How come you don't glow anymore?

David: Having three kids will do that to a person.

Me: Yup, you're the reason I sit here now all dull and tarnished.