Saturday, July 31, 2010

Movie Review: Inception

I don't go to the movies all that often. This is partially because going to the movies never makes it into David's top ten list of favorite things to do. It probably doesn't even make it into his top 20 list. My guess is that for him going to the movies falls somewhere below yard work and above getting a root canal. Or perhaps it's because he catches all the movies on his long, long flights to Asia.

I, on the other hand, love going to the movies. I love the darkened theater, the smell of the popcorn, and the chance for a couple of hours to escape reality. I don't ask a lot of the movies that I watch, simply that they entertain. And, boy, does Inception entertain.

I will admit that when Inception first arrived in theaters, I wasn't too keen on going to see it. This was for one reason only: Leonardo DiCaprio. I've never been a fan of his, although I can't really give you an explicit reason why. I never got all the hoopla around Titanic. Guess what, folks? The ship sinks. No big mystery there. But the reviews for Inception were resoundingly positive, and the storyline sounded interesting. So when a friend called me up and asked if I wanted to join her, I said yes, despite my dislike of Mr. DiCaprio.

Movies require that you suspend disbelief, and this movie is no exception. I don't know about you, but my dreams have never, ever been this crystal clear, coherent, and complete. My dreams tend to be rather fuzzy in appearance. I'm never able to run away from bad guys like they do in this film. My legs never seem to work, and I end up trying to get away in an awkward G.I. Joe crawl. Or I'm going to a final for a class that I haven't ever attended. And nobody in this movie seems to have problems with an embarrassing lack of clothes in a public arena. On the other hand, nobody would ever want to spend two-plus hours in my dreams, so maybe it's a good thing they didn't base this movie on the kinds of dreams I'm familiar with.

I've seen a few movies this year, mostly children's flicks, some of which were quite entertaining. But I will say that Inception is definitely the best film I've seen all year. It was so engaging I found myself smiling the whole way through and thinking and wondering about it afterward, always the mark of a good film. I haven't enjoyed a movie this much in ages. And maybe, just maybe it changed my perception of Leonardo DiCaprio just the tiniest bit.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On Educating a Whole New Generation of Drivers

Rose:  There sure are a lot of idiots on the road aren't there?

Me:  What makes you say that, honey?

Rose:  Because you sure seem to come across a lot of them when you're driving.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I was sitting on our deck eating breakfast at 8:30 a.m. watching golfers slowly work their way through the third hole. They finally got up to the green, and I heard the following conversation:

Golfer 1: In the hole, Lydia, in the hole!

Golfer 2: What do you think I'm trying to do?!?

Golfer 1: Missed again. Man, this is taking forever.

Snack truck lady: Would you like anything to eat or drink?

Golfer 1: I would like a Budweiser.

STL: In a can or a bottle?

Golfer 1: Whichever has the most.

Man, I'm glad I'm not Lydia.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hypothetical Situation Police

The other day David and I were driving somewhere in the car. Somehow the conversation turned to helicopter rides, and it all went downhill from there.

Me: Your mom was talking about how often she reads about tourist helicopters crashing and everyone dying. She said if she has anything to say about it, she will never let us go on one of those rides. That's okay with me. I wouldn't go anyway since helicopters make me sick.

D: How do you know that?

Me: How do I know what?

D: That helicopters make you sick?

Me: That's what you're taking away from this conversation?

D: No, I really want to know. How do you know that helicopters make you sick. Have you secretly gone out and had helicopter rides without my knowledge? Because I'm pretty sure you've never stepped foot in one.

Me: No, I've never had a helicopter ride.

D: Then how do you know helicopters make you sick?

Me: Well, I got really motion sick that one time you made me play the Jane's helicopter simulator on your computer. I think that's a pretty good indicator.

D: You're kidding, right?

Me: And then there's the fact that every form of transportation ever invented makes me sick: cars, trucks, trains, boats, big planes, little planes. I do my part in keeping Dramamine in business.

D: I know that. You'd probably barf up a lung if you rode in a helicopter. But you can't know for sure because you've never been on one.

Me: I think it's a reasonable assumption. And who made you the hypothetical situation police anyway?

D: I just think you should speak more accurately. You saying, "Helicopters make me sick" when you haven't ridden in one is like me saying, "Playing in the World Cup makes my muscles sore," just because I limp around after playing rec league soccer.

Me: That is not a valid comparison at all!

D: Why not?

Me: Because while there is a possibility that sometime in my life I will actually have a helicopter ride, there is no chance you will ever play in a World Cup soccer match.