Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Hear There's an Opening for President Next Year

Calvin told me he wanted to be a Literature Leader at school. Apparently this is where fourth graders go to second grade and help out with reading groups. The following is the letter he wrote explaining why he wanted this position.

Dear Mrs. Regan,

I want to be part of Literature Leadership. I want to be part of it because I'm SUPER good at reading and I love to do it. I once read a 565 page book in only one week! I also feel the need to help others. I have lots of experience with little kids. I have a friend who has two little brothers. One is seven and is in second grade, and the other is three and does not yet go to school. Sometimes my sister babysits them and I go too. I usually keep them entertained the most. I also want to be a leader. I think I'm a good leader because I like to control things. Whenever I'm in control things ALWAYS turn out great.




  1. He sure has a lot of confidence in himself, doesn't he? You must not be one of those helicopter moms Eric was talking about this morning! (I know you're not!) What a great letter. Keep a copy of that one.

    Debbie K.
