Sunday, February 6, 2011

Boobies are Better

A recent conversation our family had while we were driving around town:

Rose: Mom, guess what?

Me: What?

Rose: I'm finally growing boobies! Isn't that awesome?

Me: Yes, honey, it sure is.

Sabrina: Rose, I can't believe you just said that!

Rose: What?

Sabrina: You shouldn't talk about your boobies.

Rose: Why not? It's taken forever. And besides, boobies are better.

Calvin: No, they're not.

Rose: They are, too.

Calvin: No, they're not!

Rose: Boobies are better. Wieners are worse.

Sabrina: Ewww!

Calvin: Boobies are not better. Wieners are.

Rose: Boobies are better. Wieners are worse. Notice the alliteration? I'm obviously right.

Calvin: Okay, then . . . Boobies boo. Wieners win.

Sabrina: Guys, stop it! Mom, make them stop!

Rose: Boobies are better! Wieners are worse!

Calvin: Boobies boo! Wieners win!

Sabrina: (hands over ears) I'm not listening.

I'm lucky I didn't drive off the side of the road I was laughing so hard.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Sabrina! That was me when I was her age. My sister Judi and her friends were the Rose-and-Calvin combo. We have a boy-cousin who's 8 yrs. younger than I. Do you remember the old Oreo jingle? "Little girls have pretty curls but I love Oreos--" Apparently he'd asked his parents why girls had 'boobies,' and he'd prance around us singing, "Little girls have FAT in their bosoms, but I like Oreos." --Connie F.
