Saturday, April 3, 2010

In Which the Children are Educated on the Value of Old, Ugly Cars

Rose: Why are there so many advertisements for cars? People don't buy cars like they do clothes or groceries. I don't get it.

David: Well, not everybody waits until their car dies before buying a new one. Many people like to buy a new car every two or three years.

Sabrina: Why? That seems really wasteful.

David: Some people really like new cars. Others spend a lot of time in the car commuting to their job. If I spent a lot of time driving to work, I'd certainly want a better car than I have now. My car is 15 years old, has peeling paint, upholstery that's coming unglued, dents, and has creaking sounds that I have to cover by playing the radio really loudly. But at least it's . . . uh . . . it's . . .

Calvin: Intact?

David: Yeah, it's intact.

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