Sunday, January 22, 2012

And You Thought iPad Was a Bad Name

I received a nook for my birthday a couple of years ago. Upon acquiring it, it did not take long for me to jump on the ebook bandwagon. I love it for many reasons, not least of which is that I can hide my book buying habit from my husband. Twenty-five (thirty-five? forty?) books are much easier to hide in my nook than on my bedside table.

But then family members started borrowing my nook, most notably Sabrina, but also David and Calvin. And therein lies the downside of keeping all your books in one small electronic device. If you don't have your device, you don't have your books. Good thing I keep a small stash of paper books for just such emergencies.

But my stash was running low, so I bought Sabrina her very own nook for her birthday so she would stop borrowing mine. She discovered when setting it up that you can name your nook.

Sabrina: Mom, guess what? You can name your nook!

Me: Yes, I know.

S: What did you name yours?

Me: My nook.

S: That's totally boring. I named mine Nookie.

Me: Ha ha ha!

S: What? What's wrong with nookie?

Me: (giggling) Absolutely nothing, dear.

David: Nope, nothing wrong with nookie.

S: Why are you guys laughing? I don't get it. What'd I do?

D: Do you spend a lot of time with nookie?

Me: Hee, hee, hee.

S: WHAT? You have to tell me!

Me: Um, nookie? Slang term for sex.

S: Ewwwww! That's gross. Why would people ruin a perfectly good word like that? I'll have to change its name now.

(a few days later on the way home from school)

S: I was talking with my English teacher today. I told him how many books I read over Christmas break. He was really impressed.

Me: Yup, all you really need in life is just you and some nookie.

S: MOM!!

Me: (innocently) What?

S: Don't be so gross!

Me: All I said was that you really like to spend time with your e-reader. Get your mind out of the gutter, girlfriend.

S: You did that on purpose! My nook is no longer nookie. I have officially renamed it.

Me: To what?

S: Nookalicious.

Me: (snorting) Oh, yeah, that's much better.

(a few days later . . .)

S: I have an announcement. Since I cannot deal with your childish behavior, I have hereby renamed my nook Steve.

Me: Are you going to make sure that you and Steve get some quality time together this weekend?

S: Oh. My. God. You are so weird, Mom.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome!!! I just got a kindle - I'm going to name it and spend lots of quality time with it
