Two days ago my daughter couldn't find her goggles. And it was IMPORTANT that she do so. She has swim lessons, you know. She can't possibly be expected to swim 100 meters without goggles. Complete meltdown . . . over goggles.
Yesterday, she couldn't find an art project she had made out of cotton balls. She had spent hours slaving over this project (hours, I tell you), and now it's gone. She's searched everywhere, and it's not to be found! I asked her how she could have possibly searched everywhere in the house in under a minute and a half. Apparently, this was not the right answer, and meltdown number two commenced over approximately 45 cents worth of cotton balls.
Today's meltdown occurred over the fact that her horrid siblings don't always bow down to her and let her sit in her favorite chair to watch TV. How dare they expect her to share the comfiest chair in the house? The nerve of them.
Did I mention she's 11? Yes, I can see the future, and it isn't pretty.
I can't remember being this crazy or emotional or irrational. My dad, however, begs to differ and assures me I was totally insane. In fact, he dreaded coming home from work. He swears that he would just look at me, and I would burst into tears. Moi? Unbelievable.
So I guess this is the circle of life. Insanity revisited upon you in the form of your children.
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